Many Canadian Spring Break destinations remained closed due to the non-essential travel advisory: Tofino, Whistler, Banff, Niagara Falls, Quebec City, etc. Looking for partying it up outside of Canada, WestJet and Air Canada have stopped all their southbound operations to sun destinations in Mexico and the Caribbean until the end of April. There are, however, still ways to score last-minute all-inclusive deals to the Sun destinations.
Cancun is, and always will be, the hottest Spring Break destination thanks to its easily accessible shoreline of white sands, beautiful coastline, and extremely active nightlife. If you have ever been to Cancun, you can agree that there is no lack of commercialism within the city, bringing all the American comforts to Mexico. This year’s attraction: Cancun has eased its restrictions to cater to an influx of spring break travellers. Several other popular resort destinations in Mexico, such as Playa del Carmen and Tulum, have loosened their COVID-19 travel restrictions just in time for Spring Break.
Another popular spring break destination, Florida US, is also gearing up for a busy March. A traditional spring break hotspot, Miami has seen hotel occupancy rates reach 90% for weekend bookings. Even with restrictions like alcohol bans, curfew and travel restrictions, and even with the Ultra Music Festival cancelled, the 2021 spring break season is expected to see Miami at its busiest since COVID-19 hit the US last year.
Many other states are also easing restrictions as spring break season begins. Texas and Mississippi both listed the mask mandate and travel restrictions. Pennsylvania also listed its travel restrictions and began allowing fans at professional sporting and entertainment events.
Speaking of sports, dozens of NBA and NHL teams are already allowing fans back at home games. Missing watching your home team from the stands? Unfortunately, none of the Canadian professional sports teams are opening their arenas to fans at this time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch them on the road! Heading to Miami, Dallas, New York, Boston Philidelphia, Las Vegas...? You are allowed in!