This photo blog will show how we installed the GX1000, FineVu’s latest 2K+2K flagship dash cam into the 2018 Mercedes Benz E450. If you're considering installing a dash cam, we recommend the Blackbox MyCar Essential Install Kit. The BlackboxMyCar Essential Install Kit comes with a circuit tester, trim remover tool, and other handy tools to make the hardwiring and installation process more manageable.

BlackboxMyCar | Dash Cam Installation: 2018 Mercedes Benz E450 x FineVu GX1000
Featuring the best FineVu features, now with an upgraded rear camera to deliver 2K QHD rear video quality, the GX1000 is FineVu’s latest 2K Front + 2K Rear flagship dual-channel system. The FineVu GX1000 is the smartest parking mode dash cam in the market thanks to FineVu’s innovative Power Saving Parking Mode and AI Smart Parking 2.0. However, you will need to hardwire the GX1000 or use a dash cam battery pack like the BlackboxMyCar PowerCell 8, to enable these features.
Dash Cam Tips
You don't need a dash cam battery pack for parking mode recording. You can also hardwire the dash cam directly to the fuse panel. However, it’s better to use a battery pack if your vehicle’s electrical system is more sensitive or if you want to eliminate any wear and tear on your car’s battery.
Dash Cam Tips
You don't need a dash cam battery pack for parking mode recording. You can also hardwire the dash cam directly to the fuse panel. However, it’s better to use a battery pack if your vehicle’s electrical system is more sensitive or if you want to eliminate any wear and tear on your car’s battery.
Installing a dash cam yourself?
Ensure your dash cam is installed correctly with our Essential Dash Cam Installation Kit. This user-friendly package makes installation easy and hassle-free, allowing you to drive with confidence.
Don't settle for less—protect yourself on the road with our top-quality installation kit today!
Step 1: Mounting the FineVu GX1000 front camera
Unlike the GX33 and GX300, the GX1000 sports a wedge shape design, similar to the Thinkware Q1000, making it more discreet behind the rearview mirror.
Before installing the dash cam, check how far the wiper goes because if you mount the front-facing camera above the wiper’s reach, it will not have a clear vision. You want to make sure you are mounting the dash cam in a spot so you can always get a clear view in front of it. This also applies to the rear dash cam if wipers are on your rear windshield.
Next, clean the windshield inside the car to clean off any marks or smears that might affect how well the camera sticks to the glass or the quality of your video footage.
The FineVu GX1000 sports a wedge shape design, similar to the Thinkware Q800PRO and Q1000, making it more discreet behind the rearview mirror.
Step 2: Locate the power source
Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
The FineVu GX1000 offers powerful parking mode features, but you will need to hardwire the dash cam (or use a dash cam battery pack) to take advantage of these features.
For this installation, the owner requested a hardwire installation. We began the process by locating the fuse panel.
The 2018 Mercedes Benz E-Class comes with several fuse panels in the car: in the engine compartment, on the driver’s side of the cockpit, in the front passenger footwell, and the trunk. For this installation, our technicians used the fuse panel in the trunk. To access it, simply fold up the cover. You will find the fuse assignment diagram in a recess on the side of the fuse box.
Step 3: Run the dash cam power cable and the rear camera connecting cable from the front dash cam to the rear of the vehicle
Use the provided trim removal tool to gently pull back the panel cover and tuck the excess wire into the headliner and ABC pillars.
Plug the connector end of the FineVu hardwiring kit into the power slot on the dash cam.
Tuck the hardwiring cable along the headliner and A-Pillar on the passenger’s side of the vehicle. Continue routing the cable along to the B pillar, carefully remove the side weatherstrip from the front and rear doors. Use the trim removal tool to lift the pillar trim slightly, and remove any mounting clips under the pillar by gently pulling the panel cover. Then continue routing the cable down the B pillar to the floor of the car, and along the floor until you've reached the rear passenger seats.
Since you have the ABC pillar covers loosened, take this opportunity to route the rear camera connecting cable from the front dash cam to the rear windshield. The rear connecting cable will travel down the full length of the car via the ABC pillars.
Always, always route the cables behind the airbags. Cable-tie your power cable along the back side of the existing cables that run down the A-pillar. Run the power cable down the A-pillar until you reach the fuse panel.
Step 4: Locate the correct fuse for the dash cam hardwire installation
Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
Let’s connect the hardwiring kit first.
The FineVu hardwiring kit is a 3-wire cable. Connect the ground wire (the wire with the C-shaped connector) to an unpainted metal bolt or stud. Connect the ACC wire to an ignition-switched fuse and the Constant wire to a constant (always-on) fuse).
Look for empty slots. If there aren’t any, you can piggyback off occupied ones using the add-a-fuse kit included in the Blackbox MyCar Essential Install Kit. Always refer to the Fuses section in your vehicle’s owner’s manual to avoid fuse slots that could pertain to certain safety features within your car. We strongly recommend using the circuit tester in the BlackboxMyCar Essential Install Kit to help you find a suitable ignition fuse and constant fuse. With the car ignition off, the tester lights up upon contact with a constant fuse and remains unlit when in contact with an ACC fuse.
Dash Cam Tips
The fuse tap you choose depends on the car you use. Consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual to find the one right for you. For the 2019 Mercedes Benz E450, we used the Mini fuse taps.
Also, make sure the fuse tap you’re adding is equal to or lower than the fuse tap you’ve chosen.
Dash Cam Tips
The fuse tap you choose depends on the car you use. Consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual to find the one right for you. For the 2019 Mercedes Benz E450, we used the Mini fuse taps.
Also, make sure the fuse tap you’re adding is equal to or lower than the fuse tap you’ve chosen.
Using the fuse puller or pliers, remove the selected fuse from the fuse box and insert it into the bottom row of the add-a-fuse tap. The fuse tap included in your add-a-fuse kit goes into the top row.
Using your needle nose pliers (or a similar crimping tool), trim off some of the rubber tubing (if necessary) to expose some wiring on your hardwiring cable. Connect that cable to the other end of the add-a-fuse (metal tube), then crimp them down to make the connection. Once the crimping is done, use force to tug on the add-a-fuse and wire so that nothing is loose. If everything feels tight, the crimp is good, and the connection is made correctly.
You will need two add-a-fuses for your hardwire installation, one for a constant fuse and another for the ignition-switched fuse - the ground wire does not need an add-a-fuse as it only needs to be attached to a metal ground bolt. Once everything is complete, the add-a-fuse simply needs to be put back into the slot that the fuse was taken out of.
If you want parking mode recording but do not want to tinker with the car’s fuse panel(s), we strongly recommend getting a dedicated dash cam battery pack. The BlackboxMyCar PowerCell 8 Battery is slim enough to be stowed inside the vehicle, and you can always plug it into a 12V outlet (i.e., a cigarette lighter socket) in your car.
Step 5: Mount the rear camera and connect the rear camera connecting cable
Use the provided trim removal tool to gently pull back the panel cover and tuck the excess wire into the headliner and ABC pillars.
Continue routing the rear connecting cable to the rear of the car. When you get to the rear windshield, route the cable along the rear windshield headliner until you get to the rear camera that you have mounted on the glass. Plug the connecting cable into the rear camera and power on your car to turn on the dash cam.
Suppose you haven't done so, download and install the FineVu app on your smartphone. Once your FineVu is powered on, press the WiFi button on the front unit to switch it to Wi-Fi mode and then connect to the dash cam using the app. Installation Angle Guide in the FineVu mobile app to check the angle of the front and rear cameras and adjust as needed.
Step 6: Clean up excess wires
Now that our cameras are installed and tested with the FineVu mobile app, you will need to go back to the fuse box to clean up the wires. You can use electrical tapes to keep the cables bundled up. Neatly tuck the loose cable bundle into the pillars, then put on the pillar covers and the fuse panel cover back.
So that's how you hardwire the FineVu GX1000. With this installed, you can now enjoy the parking mode function of this all-new dash cam. This is just one of the best security and safety functions you can take advantage of.
If you want to do it yourself and need assistance installing your dash cam, please send us your questions, and our team will gladly assist you.
Hardwire dash cam installation guide
Planning on installing a dash cam in your car? Check out our Step-by-Step Dash Cam Installation Guide and our selection of handy installation accessories. And if you ever need a hand during the installation process, just call us; our dash cam specialists are available to help!
Looking to have your dash cam professionally installed, we do offer installation services at our Richmond BC location.
Please see some of our other dash cam installations in the BlackboxMyCar Dash Cam Installation Gallery.